I have had many embarrassing moments in my life. This is just the recent, not the most embarrassing one. Sorry if the title is misleading.
I stay in the midst of three IT companies in Koramangala. The street gets so busy in the evenings with all the techies trying to get back home. One cannot stretch his/her hands without poking an IT guy’s ass. It’s nice to watch them walk swiftly as if to keep their health. They are mostly absent minded in nature; they are either too formal or too casual. The young chaps are found with the iPod In-Ear-Headphones and the grey haired ones with Bluetooth headset (they generally talk so loudly about the project and the client neglecting or unaware of the confidentiality clause). They wear specs; carry a backpack with the company’s logo together with their attitude.
It was around 6.30pm when my roomie shook me up to offer a tea from the nearby bakery. He just needed company. I pulled a jean from the pile of dirty clothes lying in the corner of my room. I wore it over my boxer not sure if I was awake or asleep. I could open my eyes completely only after I reached the ground floor. We joined the horde of techies moving in the direction of the bakery. I was thinking how Katie and Micah became increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but was certainly most active in the middle of the night. Yes, I had watched “Paranormal Activity” just before I fell asleep.
My terror filled dream turned to reality when I sensed some paranormal activity inside my jeans. As I walked I could feel something moving down from my knees to my foot. It was so frightening that kicked in the air to get rid of it. I saw something flying out of my jeans which landed on the backpack of a techie who walked in front. I walked nearer to him to have a close look at the creature which killed Micah.
To my surprise, that was not a creature but a colorful object with few letters on it. It read… J...O...C...K...E...Y…
What's your most embarrassing moment???